
Abundant life college of ministerial excellence is a vision birthed in the heart of our our Genera Overseer Rev(Dr) J.T Onaolapo by the holy spirit to raise excellent leaders in all areas of life through the knowledge of the word of God. As a kingdom focused institution we wish to contribute maximally to the expansion and advancement of God's kingdom on earth by training the kingdom value driven leaders and multiplying them until the whole earth is filled with the knowledge of the glory of Godas the water covers the sea (Heb. 2:14).

Our Mission

To train men and women that will be like jesus christ in words, thoughts and deeds both in daily life and in christian ministry. This is aimed to be achieved through an in-depth teaching of God's word as it applies to life until the total man(spirit, soul and body) is conformed to the image of christ (Rom 8:29).

Purpose of the Programme

The programmes are designed to meet the overall objective of the school which is raising kingdom advancement agents in all areas of life. graduates of the school are expected to touch lives both in thier secular and ministerial callings and to be able to lead and show leadership abilities without stress.


Part Time Program

The 3 month training shall be a weekend/part time course. The Schedules are as follows.

  • LCC - 4pm to 7pm on Sundays
  • LDC - 7:30PM to 9:30pm on Saturdays
    2pm to 4pm on sundays
  • SPT - 10am to 3am on saturdays

  • NOTE: The Timing is Flexible

    Rules and Regulations

  • - Applicant should be in agreement with the statement of faith and purpose of the school.
  • - No students will be allowed to behave unruly or beg during course of thier studies.
  • - Applicant must have the recommendation of those who are able to evaluate them adequately.
  • - Punctuality is essential for all lectures, therefore late coming is considered as half attendance.
  • - No student is permitted to bring children to class.
  • - Students are not allowed to be out of class for more than 5 mins during lectures.
  • - Registration fee must be paid before admission.
  • - Absenteeism without due notice will attract punishment.
  • - This is a school therefore students are expected to dress smart, No slippers, sandals or flying shirts.
  • - Any student that returns 5 mins late after break time will not be allowed to continue lectures for that day.
  • - Any student who misses a test without a tangible reason will not be allowed to resit.
  • - Three consecutive absenteeism will be treated as withdrawal.
  • - Phones should be switched off or atleast put on silence during lecture hour.


    The application form for all courses is #1000.you will be expected to pay your
    school fees as determined by the school manangement at the point of submission
    of your application form . forms are abailable at our school campuses at
    abundant life gospel churches. you can call 08184966003 or 08033294476


  • 1. Admission is open to qualified person of all denominations and fellowships of any race, colour and nationality without regard to sex or handicap
  • 2. Applicant must give evidence that they are born again and are living spirit-filled life.
  • 3. Applicant must have posses a minimum of secondary school certificate (o-level) or the equivalent of it.
  • 4. The applicant should be able to understand English being the language of instruction.
  • 5. The applicant must be able to meet all financial obligations for the school during the course of the program.


  • 1. The student concerned must have an evidenceof good christian life and character as observed by the faculty.
  • 2. He/She must complete a minimum of 3 weeks field assignment or pastoral internship of the same period.
  • 3. All financial obligations to the school must be settled with the admistrative office.
  • 4. 80% minimum attendance is required for a studentn to be allowed to graduate.
  • 5. The faculty reserves the right to deny graduation to any student considered to be unfit due to lifestyle, character academic incompetence.


    General Overseer



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